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Abdul Rehman FCCA
Executive Team Leader

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About Abdul rehman FCCA

Having your own webshop marketing services people use every day and you get paid every time they use the products! Now launching wellness products. Description ACN Independent Business Owner: 5 Questions Do you buy over the internet? Yes / No? Do you spend more now than 3 years ago? Yes / No? Is that the trend around the world too? Yes / No?...See more General information "What can you advise people who have lost businesses in the recession? or what advice can you give to people in the recession at the moment?:"- Tim Lovejoy Peter Jones, Dragon's Den: "Its really difficult, but when the last recession happened, we didn't have the internet. The Internet is a great resource to sell any product and you can almost buy and sell products without owning them. So, start A business, think about it online and START AGAIN, but most important thing is, DON'T GIVE UP. DON'T GIVE UP and learn from your experience." Something for the weekend, BBC2, Sunday October 30, 2011 Funny this, I can help you launch a business on the Internet! I lost a business in the recession. Your website will buy and sell products without owning them! I have started again! I never gave up. I shall persist until I succeed! I have learnt, very expensive lessons, from my experience. Now your webshop will have energy, phone, broadband, tv and about to launch in Ireland, Wellness products and MERCHANT SERVICES/CREDIT CARD SERVICES. Contact me now for more information.
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